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Teri CarmichealOffline

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    About Me

    Teri Carmicheal

    CEO, Co-owner

    Hey everyone! My name is Teri Carmicheal and I co-own Healers in a Handbasket. On a personal level, I am a mom of two special needs boys who keep me very busy, married, and have a small petting zoo (at least what I call it) with 2 Labradors and 4 cats.

    On a work level, my cousin Steven and I run this metaphysical shop (he is also a massage therapist) with the goal in mind to provide everyone with affordable supplies and other handmade witchy goodies. We grew up in situations of lesser means and we didn't always have the supplies we needed due to financial constraints. We have opted to make most of what we sell by hand where we can and responsibly source the rest. We handcraft some ceremonial tools and items, and aim to provide the instruction to new witches in the uses of such tools.

    Some items are hard to source due to harvesting practices and will be listed as we have them (such as Palo Santo smoke cleansing sticks). When we have them, we have them; when we don't, we don't. Some items will have continuous stock.

    We also fully intend to add classes, workshops, and blog posts online as well, in time. Steven offers osteomancy classes - if you would like to sign up for one of them before they are offered here, you can find them and pay for them on our Square site. As of right now, his next class date is to be determined.

    A little more about us on a personal level: I am a hereditary witch with every clair but taste. I also work within the realm of death. I am versed in energy work and chakras, and am fairly knowledgeable as far as crystals go. As for Steven, he is also a hereditary witch, also gifted with clair gifts. He also, as a massage therapist, is versed in energy work and knowledge of chakras. He is practiced in osteomancy and that is his specialty divination tool. We both work within a Celtic/Norse path. We are both well experienced and have been practicing Steve, his whole life, and me since I was in my teens, roughly 25 years.

    We're fairly open books so if you have questions, fire away! Our other goal with our shop is to build relationships and foster them within the pagan community! We're knowledgeable and can answer many questions. If we don't know it, we'll learn right along with you! You can also get to know us on a personal level (but nothing that will result in TMI!). We do have a bit of a cynical and morbid sense of humor but online, we will keep it to a minimum and let you know when we're kidding! Come on in, brew yourself a cup of tea, shop and chat with us!




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