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High Spirits

Shipping Policy

Everything listed that is made by us will be shipped within 2 business days of receiving the order. We use USPS, but if you have other requirements, we'll try to work it out with you.

Refund Policy

All refunds are on an individual basis. Please contact us and let us know if there's a problem, and we'll work out the absolute best for all parties.

Cancellation / Return / Exchange Policy

We can't accept cancellations after the package has been mailed, which doesn't give a lot of time for changing the mind, so please order carefully! Return and exchanges will be given for unopened packages after notification, but postage is the responsibility of the customer, and it must be sent within one week of receipt. The customer must inform us ahead of time that the return or exchange is required, and a basic reason why.

Opened packages will be accepted for return or exchange on an individual basis, please contact us if needed.