
Sacral Chakra conjure oil for sexual trauma healing and creativity


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Also for sale at
Terra Blue
518 S Elm St.
Greensboro, NC 27401

Use to help heal your sacral chakra

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The Sacral Chakra is your passion and pleasure center and it is located in the pelvic area. While the Root Chakra is satisfied with survival, the 2nd chakra seeks pleasure and enjoyment.

The gift of this chakra is experiencing our lives through feelings and sensations.
The second chakra is the center of feeling, emotion, pleasure, sensuality, intimacy, and connection.

The energy of this chakra allows you to let go, to move, and to feel change and transformation occurring within your body. It allows you to experience this moment as it is, in its own fullness.

The main challenge for the second chakra is the conditioning of our society. We live in a society where feelings are not valued, where passion and emotional reactions are being frowned upon. We are being taught not to “lose control”. And we get disconnected from our bodies, our feelings.

As if this were not enough, we also experience the wounds of our collective cultural struggles over many sexual issues of our society. On the one hand, sexuality is magnified and glorified, and on the other hand, it is rejected. This results in either blocked or excessive second chakra issues.
No wonder we have so many issues with our passion center, the wellspring of feelings, enjoyment, and sensuality.

Do you love your body? Do you enjoy feeling your body? When was the last time you walked barefoot on the grass and felt the sensation of the ground underneath your feet?

The sacral chakra is also your center of creativity.
Passion is the fuel of creative energy. Everything you create, a poem, a drawing, or a website, originates from the energy of the second chakra. It is also where your fertility originates. After all, conceiving a child is a creative process.

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Appointment Bookings:

I am a Conjurer, Spiritualist and a practitioner of Regla De La Ocha from the Ile of Wassa Wassa Hijo de Chango. Oya governs my head as I help to create change in people’s lives. All of my Conjure OIls and Spiritual Baths have been personally blessed by myself while my Orisha products have been blessed by my Olorisha Wassa Wassa. If you want quality products that work, personal guidance with any works then you have come to the right place.

I can also be typically found at Terra Blue (518 S. Elm Street Greensboro NC 27401) on Friday Mornings from 10 am to 2 pm (please confirm I am there before arrival).

In addition to the products here my services include:

House Cleanings & Blessings
Path Readings
Mediumship/Ancestral Readings
Ceremonial Baths
Hex/Curse Removals
Candle Petitions

Products include:
7 Day Blessed Candles
Spirit/Conjure Oils
Blessed Charms
Spirit Guide Necklaces
Spiritual Bath Salts
Handmade Incense
Products for all Orishas


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